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Hunting free dollars
Posted on Senin, 02 Juli 2012 by adyexrangga
hunting dollar free way
Please spare a moment's time mu sob. because of this, it is very beneficial to our future sob.
I was not going to get the advantage of width.
Here I will provide the links that I have was the very nice and secure,
And cara were very easy and does not need capital aka geratis
1. sign up for FREE
2. We do Click Ads on the PTC site
Here we will get earnings from the results we do click ads that are in PTC sites.
Ads that are already provided by ptc site is advertising advertisers.
Advertisers do the advertising our site PTC in order increase traffic to remain on their site itensitas exposure. Join our site PTC advantage we are thus as follows
1. we get the ads should we click.
2. the Commission is perklik $ 1 to $ 4
3. PAL LIAT aja in a day how can
For the first step
Before following the PTC you must have an internet account, PAYPAL, that are useful to hold dollar you later when it's payout withdrawal which will be in/send to paypal.
Here's how to enroll in paypal, follow ..!!
Click--><---to register for free
or click == > WWW.PAYPAL.COM
-After that you list deh. Click Register/registration.
-You replace the language format, so you'll understand more ...
-After clicking list,
-Now you choose for personal account and fill in the form listing trus.
-Then open your email and view mail from paypal.
-After you fill out the form So that,
-You can fill in the number of credit or tuh karu debit you for verification at paypal. But if it's not in the table of contents also not anything. so you go to the page directly aja you account.
-So you've got tuh account at paypal.
(if you don't have a credit card charge form just passed her credit card)
-Paypal ID/address paypal/paypal/paypal account address: is your email address that you used to register for paypal.
* Now you edit data local banks in your city that you use for saving money. For example: BCA, BRI, independent, etc.
* Here's how: log in to www.paypal.com
a. Select "PROFILE" (the cursor arrows to navigate your profile please on click)
b. Trus select "Edit bank account"
c you fill all Trus tuh data to your local bank.
Okay we go to the list of ads
So you can get a dollar a day 2 hours $ 300 to $ 400, I have set up the Web Click results from the selection's best and most trusted
Click here
Once you sign in on Web pages one above, you click join/register/list.
-Fill the form/form pendaftaranya tuh.
List do not need to pay kok (free).
-Upon completion of filling the form, and it really has been a member of free them now you login
-Click login,
-Fill in your username and password.
In order to be able to enter and start earning money dollar
It is time you play so you can follow-up dollars in 2 hours $ 300-$ 400 per day.
Gimana Caranya,?
Here's how easy kok,
a. After you login, click on "VIEW ADS"
b. After you click the "view ads" will now appear to click the ads page at the pay $ 1 to $ 6 perkliknya.
c. click Page ads will appear and inscribed with "GET PAID TO CLICK".
d. At that page you click on the ads. in the column column of the ads in the "TITLE"
e. the average you will be a lot of dollars.
f. click on its Way can let dollar:
When you click on your ad and appears already a new browser window. And it would seem a matter of time in the upper left corner of the web page that appears in a new browser window.
Okay got here first. good luck and lots of dollars.
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